How to edit footer in word 2013
How to edit footer in word 2013

The footer is a section where you could give your website visitors a brief description of what your website is all about. What can I include in a footer? Important information Providing very important information that could be easily digested at a glance will help you build trust with your consumers. You could add some information in this section that will build your website’s credibility.

how to edit footer in word 2013

By making your navigation fully functional, you increase your chances at building better engagement with your website visitors. However, it’s still important to ensure that other pages in a website are still accessible–this is where the footer comes in. Most of the time, we limit what we include in a main menu to avoid overwhelming consumers with too many choices.

  • Better navigation, better engagement, better user experience.
  • In doing so, you are making sure your website is optimized to get more qualified leads or a higher conversion rate. Give your website visitors another chance to take a desired action.

    how to edit footer in word 2013

    Still not convinced? Making your footer functional will greatly benefit your website.

    how to edit footer in word 2013

    A study by ChartBeat shows that 66% of attention on a normal media page is spent below the fold–meaning that there is a significant amount of people on the internet that scroll all the way to the bottom of a website. There has long been a myth about footers being unimportant and that website visitors pay no mind to the footer after consuming your website’s content.

    How to edit footer in word 2013